It’s the height of peach season in New Jersey which starts early July til end of August. My girls love peaches and I always get some every time I do my grocery shopping. There are several types of peaches: yellow, white, free stone, clingstone, donut and nectarine. Yellow ones are the most common and what most orchards have for pick your own.

This Summer cooler is a great way to use your overly ripe peaches. Like the strawberry refresher I made early in May, you will need to make your fruit syrup.



For the peach syrup wash, peel and cut into cubes a couple of peaches. Place in a small sauce pan 1 cup diced peaches, 2/3 cup sugar and 2/3 cup water. Let this come to a boil, then lower heat and simmer for 5-8 minutes until it’s thick and a bit syrupy. Place in a container and let cool before refrigerating or use.


Get a glass and place 2 tablespoons of your peach syrup. Add some ice cubes and fresh sliced peaches. Pour to the brim sparkling water and garnish with mint.


