This blog has truly become a collection of family recipes. We are a family that loves to cook and we have learned at a young age from our grandmother (Lola), mom and aunts. My sisters and mom has given permission to share dishes they have made in their owns homes from across the Pacific. This recipe came from my youngest sister, she made Korean Pancakes or Vegetable Pancakes. The ingredients may not be the typical ones you use since they too are in lock down on the other side of the globe. So she made do with what she has like cabbage, carrots and deli ham.


To make, prepare the batter by using a Korean Pancake mix. She didn’t have an exact measurement but said that batter should really be thin. So maybe you can start using 1 cup and just add water a little at a time until you achieve the right consistency. You also need to add one beaten egg to the batter and make sure to mix well. Then thinly slice your carrots, cabbage and ham and also some scallions if you have some and set aside.


Get a non-stick pan and heat a couple of tablespoons of oil, then lay your vegetables and ham mixture flat and saute or fry it for a bit. When vegetables have somewhat softened but not wilted add your scallions then carefully pour your batter until it’s covered. Cook until crisp and brown on both sides. Serve immediately.

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Note: Photos used are all sent by my sister.
